Our New LP - Freeing Form - Out Now!
Okay folks, game day! Welcome to the release date for The Stratos Ensemble's new LP, Freeing Form. As of right now, April 12th, the album...

New Stratos LP Coming Out April 12th - Right Around The Corner
It took a little longer than planned, but the time has finally arrived! On April 12th of 2024 (this month), the Stratos Ensemble will...

No History Yet EP - OUT NOW!
Our latest EP, entitled No History Yet, is now available for purchase on Bandcamp. All previous advertisements and posts for the album's...

We really and truly appreciate the patience you have all shown regarding all/any of our changed plans and changed release schedules over...

Making Up For A Lost Time
This is a temporary free gift for our website subscribers and our supportive listeners on Soundcloud. You are hearing about it first,...

Performing Again--This April!
Fans in LA who have been waiting for us to perform again will be happy to know that we are scheduled to return to the stage this April...

The Passing Of Another Big Stratos Influence And Hero
We were just about to start posting a myriad of cool new updates in this blog section, but before we can, we feel it's most honorable to...

Our First Video Post of The Year - Featuring The Poet B1
We have finally gotten 'round to finishing some of our gig videos, and we are proud to share the first of them. It's a poem about...

Our Music On Youtube
On Youtube you will find a variety of our works as The Stratos Ensemble. One type of work you will notice there is our full sets of...

A Review From The Other Side
Some Stratos Ensemble fans might find this interesting and amusing. It's a review of our last album, written by a Russian experimental...